Temporary Residency Permit (Aufenthaltsgestattung)

Individuals who habe submitted an application for asylum in Germany will, as a rule, receive a temporary residency permit (Aufenthaltsgestattung) until their application has been finalized. Generally, the temporary residency permit (Aufenthaltsgestattung) will continue to remain in effect if the ruling in the asylum process is under litigation.

Individuals who have been granted a temporary residency permit (Aufenthaltsgestattung) or those whose presence in Germany is being tolerated (Duldung) will not be permitted to work for the first three months of their stay. Once this period is over, they have access to the labor market. In almost all cases, this will be contingent upon the consent of the Foreign Nationals Office (Ausländerbehörde). Among the few situations that are exempt from these rules are unpaid assignments, most school internships and volunteer work.

Individuals from so-called secure countries of origin are not permitted to work while the asylum process (Asylverfahren) is ongoing.

For more information please consult: https://www.asyl.net/themen/aufenthaltsrecht/sonstiger-aufenthalt/aufenthaltsgestattung/